The Sarratt Attack (J.H. Sarratt - NN)

In this game, Black starts an attack with insufficient forces. His Knight and Bishop are chased back. The Knight gets pinned and then attacked by a pawn. It is ironic that White wins with an attack similar to what Black had envisioned and tried unsuccessfully: Bishop and Knight attacking the c-pawn on its initial position!

On move 10. Black could have tried 10... Bxe4 to attack g2 and d5 (thus protecting c6). However, that is refuted by 11. Nxc7+ Kd7 12. dxc++ Kxc6 13. Qe2! (This threatens mate on b5 and attacks the Bishop on e4. May be the solutions is to give up the Queen for the Knight at some point.

Jacob Henry Sarratt vs NN
England 1818 · Queen Pawn Game: Sarratt Attack (D00) · 1-0