My 101 Goals in 1001 Days (Parallels between Life and Chess #11: Goal Setting)

I assume that everybody knows the importance of goal setting in life- if not in life (outside Chess), then at least in Chess. Way back when I used to play in (local) tournaments regularly, I would decide in advance what my goals were. My goal would either be to win the tournament (almost invariably the goal), or be in the top x, to be guaranteed prize money, or just to have fun. The last one almost meant I would watch, help with organizing and play casual games. The goals helped me to focus when I was playing. Every move I made was driving me towards my goal of winning the tournament. A time came when the money didn’t matter, but the reputation did. In life, I set goals, even though I don’t always follow through. That is the one thing I am changing. That every goal is written down for a reason and it has to be attained if I can help it. Below is my list of 101 goals to be accomplished in the next 1001 days.

This is not an original idea. I believe I first saw it at Get Rich Slowly. Actually, I started my list several weeks ago. I haven’t decided what I will do for every goal that I don’t attain at the end of the 1001 days. I guess as I become more technically sophisticated, I will add a counter to see how much time is remaining, and something against each goal to show whether the goal has been attained or not. I do not believe I will write about why I/you need to have goals. I will probably include links in the near future:

These goals are meaningful to ME. Some of them are not original at all.

Here come my goals:

1. Change so that MKX and I are happier… (no details here!)

2. Call family at least once a week.

3. Forgive and forget past hurts.

4. Pass CPA exams within the next year.

5. Read the Bible cover to cover.

6. Get married.

7. Speed up my reading (need to come up with wpm here…)

8. Speed up my typing (need to come up with wpm here…)

9. Keep in touch with all my friends at least once a month. Will do a list and check mark when done.

10. Save $AE,000.00 (Strive for $E00.00/month - I have the figures!) :-)

11. Drink water as the only beverage for 52 weeks.

12. Devote 1 month to each of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”

13. Get up (Out of Bed) at 6am or earlier at least 5 days a week.

14. Get rid of physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual clutter in my life. I will start with the physical, and then move to the other aspects.

15. Get FICO score >=GE0 (I know the credit score I am shooting for…)

16. Buy a house.

17. Visit family.

18. Spend a day at an aquarium.

19. Go to Las Vegas.

20. Go to Grand Canyon.

21. Go to Yellowstone National Park(?).

22. Write my Mission Statement.

23. Dance (Slow Dance) once a month.

24. Cook for more than 10 people.

25. Go on a “family trip” with my friends.

26. Be/Live Clean (physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally.)

27. Help 10 people reach their goals.

28. Work as volunteer.

29. Play blindfold simultaneous Chess.

30. Learn about meditation and meditate for 15 minutes every day for 30 days.

31. Do 75 sit-ups in one go. (Believe it or not, I am not even close here!)

32. Read an Economics book from cover to cover.

33. Read a Statistics book from cover to cover.

34. Practice keyboarding (music) once a week for 52 weeks – one hour per session.

35. Spend one week without watching TV.

36. Read world news at BBC everyday.

37. Say the rosary for 60 days straight.

38. Get to work by 7 a.m. every day for one month.

39. Clean up dishes before going to bed for 60 days straight.

40. Use only 1 light bulb at a time for 1 month. (Only light that’s on will be the one in the room/area I am working in.)

41. Take stuff that I don’t use to Salvation Army or the Red Cross.

42. Buy a new DVD player for my family.

43. Send money to cousins.

44. Eat healthier//Buy food from Trader Joe’s or Global Foods or Farmer’s Markets.

45. Go through VCR’s to see what’s on them and get rid of what I will never watch again//Related to clutter goal.

46. Run for 30 minutes every day for 1 month.

47. Shoot and make 25 straight free-throws (basketball).

48. Spend no more than 10 minutes per day doing personal stuff at work.

49. Stay 15 days straight without complaining or saying something negative.

50. Memorize the beatitudes.

51. Memorize the Apostle’s Creed and 5 other Catholic Prayers.

52. Go to church every Sunday for 6 months.

53. Clear desk at work. Only work should be what’s in my in-basket.

54. Don’t carry work home for 3 months.

55. Take food to work for 1 month.

56. Watch over 25 movies from the library.

57. Go to the library at least once a week.

58. Buy a new computer (preferably laptop) from non-work sources or non-emergency fund sources.

59. Track every cent that I spend/earn for 3 months.

60. Balance check book at least once a week.

61. Get a nice gift for friends/family who are getting married.

62. Avoid late fees (Library, Bank, etc.) and tickets (traffic) for 1 year.

63. Review my goals at least once a day.

64. Keep learning about going green (saving the Earth). Keep a list of things I can do and adopt what I can.

65. Learn about 401K, Index Funds, Vanguard 500, etc. Keep learning about financial stuff.

66. Repair seal for my car’s windshield.

67. Remove stains on car seats… May be buy seat covers.

68. Get car window fixed (power button not working… NOW YOU KNOW WHAT SHAPE MY CAR IS IN!!)

69. Get a license plate put at the rear of the car.

70. Invest in some fund/Vanguard 500 per simple dollar. Need to read how this works first.

71. Find real wage rate//Life Energy spend on items etc. per “Your Life or Your Money”.

72. Think/Act positively.

73. Sell items on ebay.

74. Find mentors (Trent is one of them).

75. Blog my life so far.

76. Review daily goals:

a) Leave Clean

b) Pray

c) Balance check book

d) Track expenses

e) Speed read self-development book (1 chapter)

f) CPA test prep

g) CPA study

h) CPA Audio

i) Clean/Organize home for at least 15 minutes

j) Meditate

k) Evaluate day

l) Plan next day

m) Thou hast to write for blog

77. Eliminate procrastination

78. Reflect on what it means to be made in the image of God. How do I reflect the character of God in life. (idea from 101 ways to make a difference today.)

79. Analyze Bobby Fischer’s games. (Fischer move by move).

80. Start a blog /// Get my own domain.

81. Learn HTML and other stuff in order to better manage my website and writing.

More to come :-)

82. Finish Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life. (Goal added 6.11.07)

More to come…

83. Revisit my life and come up with at least 50 things that happened to me that I didn’t deserve. Things that I would call luck or whatever. Meditate on these and hopefully be humbled by the experience. (Goal added 6.12.07)

More to come…

84. Be a CHUCK (Goal added 6/12/07)

More to come…

Do you have goals to share? How are you doing? What has been your motivating factor/factors?