Declare your love! Tell the world about your passion!

What is it that you have spent most of your life doing? Is it practicing Medicine, Accounting, Chess, Politics, Law, Philosophy, …? Whatever it is, how do you tell the World that this is what I have spent my “life-energy” doing?

What is it that you feel so passionate about? That when you get up, you want to do it? When you are stressed out, you think about doing it? Is it reading a book? Is it playing Chess? Is it blogging? Is it taking care of patients? Is it tutoring or teaching?

I was thinking about this, and I know that the one thing I have spent a good chunk of my life doing, is playing, thinking, reading, studying, dreaming about, Chess. This game has been my love and my passion. That is why I write about it. That is why I look at life through its lenses. So I was wondering, how do I tell the world that I love this game, without being obnoxious about it? What kind of information do I give the world? My “Social”, my phone number, my home address, my work info, my website (infrequently) and my email address. Hmmmnnn! None of those, but the email address gives me a chance to tell the world what I am passionate about. If I could have my email address look something like - that would be great! Other chess players would love to get my email address looking like that! I would love to email and talk to people with an email address like that. So I went to and lucky enough, I could have an email address with that domain name. I started searching around to see if I could get an email address,,, … no luck! My suggestion for people who own these domains is be to provide an webmail/email service for people who love God, Christ, Accounting, Medicine, etc. Imagine! That would be awesome - as long as you are sure you live in God! So that is my little story. What is your love? Is

Hopefully, the service at will be great. That you will be able to find tools of your trade, meet people that have similar likes to yours, or share your ideas with the world. I think it is a great thing to have - for people who think alike, whose experiences and desires and vocations and … are similar. It is like a country club or lions club for your passion. Online!