Chess is my life too!

I first saw and played the game when I was thirteen. One of my ‘trainers’ was a bully and thought I was lying that I had never played the game. I didn’t know why at the time, but I later realized I was better than most beginners he had encountered. I later became the high school champion, a few years later, university champion, national champion, and then won a few tournaments. When I was younger, I thought that if I had been born in the US, I would play chess professionally… Now that I had a chance to live there, life took over and I became an accountant! Along the way, chess has taught me the value of study, practice, incremental advantages, money, love, and many other life lessons. It is my way of saying thanks to the game that financially supported me at one time, and also “loved” me. It is a game that has made me who I am whether I am loud or introverted, calculating or intuitive, a failure or success. It is my founding block. As I keep writing, I will give more examples that will show the impact this game has had on me.

I have just remembered something that cannot wait til next time. My best friend, Zenga. I was about 17 years old and I went to the library to look for a chess book called, “Exchanging to Win in the End Game”. I had used read the book months earlier and it had a significant impact on me. The library had less than 10 books on Chess and that was one of the best books they had. I looked and searched the earlier that I expected to find the book and I couldn’t find it. I looked at the shelves surrounding that area - still no “Exchanging to Win in the End Game”. I was walking out and I see this guy with the book in his hand. I couldn’t jump in because it was not my turn yet… Was he returning it? Was he renewing it? The person in front of me left and I couldn’t refrain myself any longer. I asked him if he was returning it. He was like, you can take it if you want it! :-) The sweetest words ever! He asked me if I played Chess, I said yes. He asked me where I was going. I told him I was going to my mom’s work place to get some money for something… we could go together if he didn’t mind. We went, run a few errands together, talked non-stop - he later told me, I had mentioned about wanting to be the Chess World Champion! (Wink, Wink!) We went to my place, played blitz and he told me I was very good. I thought he was very good. At least, up to that time, he was the fastest, toughest player I had played. I think. He gave me directions to his place, two buses away. We met and played chess at least twice a week for a long time. He is someone I have always looked up to. I just had to let you know that Chess gave me a best friend. We last met in 2000, but have kept in touch, sort of. I can’t wait to meet his wife, kid, and of course, him - to sit across the board again - and play a game one more time.

What impact has chess or any other game that you love(d) had on you?